The city was founded in the early Middle Ages by the Vikings and during centuries it has turned into one of the most dynamic trade centres in Denmark. Until recently Aalborg was the fourth largest city in Denmark. On the 1st of January 2007 after incorporating the neighbouring municipalities (Hals, Nibe and Sejlflod)) it became the third largest Danish conurbation with an area of 1,144 km2 and over 190,000 inhabitants. For the reasons that Aalborg has a rich cultural life and an interesting entertainment offer it is frequently called the “Little Paris of North”. As the main city of North Jutland, Aalborg offers a wide range of services in the fields such as culture, education, health care and communications. Visitors to Aalborg may admire half-timbered buildings from 15th century together with its 16th century castle as well as the finest and the largest Renaissance private house in Scandinavia – Jens Bang's House ranks among the biggest attractions of Aalborg. It is the Holy Spirit Monastery established in 1431 being the oldest preserved building in the city. Without doubt, there is also Lindholm Hoye – Viking settlement from 8th–10th century which can be counted among the attractions of Aalborg. On its premises there is a Viking Museum. As far as economy is concerned, Aalborg attaches great importance to its IT industry together with health and technology research and development. Among the largest companies of Aalborg there are those involved in iron and metal industries as well as well-known producers of cement and Red Aalborg Taffel Akvavite. When on the subject of the most significant industries in Aalborg it is worth mentioning the tourist and congress industry. The beginning of the cooperation between Gdynia and Aalborg dates back to the year 1967. However, the “Cooperation Agreement” was signed on 4th August 1987. The agreement concerns the organisation of cooperation in the fields of public utilities management, environmental protection, planning and building industry, education, health care and social welfare, culture, sport and recreation. The effects of the cooperation: the hospital of Polish Red Cross received medical equipment, cleaning agents, dressings, disposable equipment as a gift. Social Welfare Complex: Daytime Social Welfare Home, Home for Single Mothers and Shelter for the homeless women received clothes, toys, towels, bedclothes, building blocks for children and two bikes as a gift. Primary School No. 18 – the exchange of students and teachers at the invitation of a headmaster of a school in Aalborg. OPEC Gdynia (District Heating Company) – starting the cooperation with the City Hall in Aalborg through Gdynia City Hall: visits of specialists from OPEC to such facilities of Aalborg as heat and power stations, heating stations, incinerating waste plants in the years 1990–1992. A joint group of people from OPEC and the consultants from the Aalborg Commune worked out the guidelines for constructing an incinerating waste plant adjusted to meet the needs of Gdynia. Other forms of cooperation between OPEC and Aalborg are the cooperation within technical issues, including training for designers, exploitation inspection services, services dealing with execution of works connected with the technologies of laying preinsulated pipes, installation and exploitation of compact heat centres and gas and fluid boiler-rooms. A visit of 43 headmasters of primary schools from Gdynia to Aalborg – 1993. Sports clubs – exchange, participation in sporting games. Participation of the youth from Gdynia in the Youth Games organised in Aalborg every four years. A performance of the symphonic orchestra from Aalborg in the Music Theatre in Gdynia on the occasion of Teacher's Day – 1996. Cooperation between Gdynia City Hall and the Danish Institute of Culture in Gdynia – 1996–2000. The competition of knowledge about Denmark organised by the Municipal Library in Gdynia -1997. A visit of 21 pupils from Aalborg to the Self-governmental Primary School No. 31 in Gdynia. Joint ecology, computer science and sports lessons were a part of the programme of the visit. Within the tourist programme the Danish visited the Tri-City and Malbork, went on a get-together picnic in Rewa, paid a visit to Sztutowo – October 1997. In spring 1998, the Polish pupils paid a return visit to Denmark. A visit of a Danish journalist to Poland in order to write an article about the city in the local newspaper of Aalborg – June 1998. A visit of a group from the UPV (Unge Pensionister I Veejgaard) Association to the Daytime Social Welfare Home) – May 1998. A study visit of 15 representatives of the Commission on Public Utilities Management from Aalborg – June 1998. Participation of the youth of Gdynia (48 people) in Twin Cities Sporting Competition in Aalborg – July 1999. A visit of a delegation of 29 people from the Board of Senior Citizens to Gdynia. The aim of the visit was to get acquainted with the rules for functioning of social welfare centres in Gdynia. Guests visited Daytime Social Welfare Home, Old People’s Home, Nursing Home for Chronically Ill – September 1999. From 15 to 21 June 2000, the City of Aalborg organised International Art Triennial for artists of the Twin Cities. The representatives of 20 Twin Cities of Aalborg took part in it. The City of Gdynia was represented by Mrs Janina Rudnicka. Participation of two representatives of the Gdynia City Hall in the seminar: “Bridging Through Twinning” – October 2001. Organisation in Gdynia of the exhibition: Human Circus (computer graphics, video films) by Leo Ray Eriksen – a world-famous Danish artist. Participation of Gdynia representative in the EU coordinators meeting (within UBC) that was held in Aalborg – June 2002. Participation of Aalborg representatives in the UBC “Without Limits” Conference in Gdynia – September 2002. Participation of Aalborg representatives in the ceremony of presenting Gdynia with Europe Prize – September 2002. Co-organisation of the meeting and participation of Gdynia representatives in the Annual Meeting of the UBC Commission on Sport in Aalborg – April 2003. Study visit to Gdynia of representatives of FOA trade union, an organization uniting specialists on health care and social welfare – May 2003. Visit of West Coast Jutland journalist from Aalborg to Gdynia – June 2003. Study visit of North Jutland representatives (experts on environmental protection) referring to environmental protection strategy in the municipality – June 2003. Participation of young people from Gdynia in Aalborg Youth Games – July/August 2003. Performances of Danish orchestra of seniors: Aalborg Pensioner Orchestra for the inhabitants of Municipal Welfare Centres and Old People's Homes in Gdynia – September 2003. Participation of Gdynia City Hall representatives in the Twinning Seminar in Aalborg – October 2004. Study visit of representatives of Regional Library of Northern Jutland, Aalborg Historical Museum, Aalborg Art Pavilion and the gallery of “Huset” Community Centre – January 2005. Working visit of the representatives of North Denmark EU-Office in Brussels concerning a discussion about potential cooperation – February 2005. Participation of the representatives of Aalborg Handicap Advisory Board to Gdynia conference entitled “The role of self-government in job activation of people with disabilities” – May 2005.Study visit of the Gdynia City Museum employee to the Historical Aalborg Museum – August 2005. Study visit of the Gdynia City Library employee in the municipal libraries of Aalborg and region – August 2005. Participation of the official Aalborg delegation in the celebrations of the 80th anniversary of granting Gdynia city rights – February 2006.Study visit of municipal transport representatives from Aalborg concerning the functioning of the public transport in Gdynia – May 2007.Participation of Gdynia representatives in the Aalborg Youth Games 2007 – July 2007.Participation of Gdynia representatives in the meeting with Sail Training International during The Tall Ships’ Races 2010 in Aalborg – July 2010.participation of Gdynia representatives in Aalborg Youth Games – August 2011participation of Gdynia delegation in the Sail Training International Conference - November 2013participation of Gdynia delegation in the Aalborg Youth Games 2015 - Augutst 2015 Opublikowano: 14.11.2006 00:00 Autor: Małgorzata Aleksiak