7TH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCEMODERNISM IN EUROPE - MODERNISM IN GDYNIA20TH CENTURY ARCHITECTURE - PRESERVATION OF ITS AUTHENTICITY AND INTEGRITY7. MIĘDZYNARODOWA KONDERENCJA NAUKOWAMODERNIZM W EUROPIE - MODERNIZM W GDYNIARCHITEKTURA XX W. - ZACHOWANIE JEJ AUTENTYZMU I INTEGRALNOŚCIpolska wersja: www.gdynia.pl/modernizm7th international scientific conference “Modernism in Europe – Modernism in Gdynia” is a continuation of conference series held in Gdynia since 2007. These sessions are currently the most important periodic event of its kind in Poland. The theme of the forthcoming conference will focus on issues related to the form of modernist architecture and the problems of preserving its integrity and authenticity. The contents of the conference will be supervised by the Scientific Committee consisting of prominent experts from Poland and abroad. Papers accepted and presented during the conference will be collected, edited and later published as a reviewed publication. The books including papers presented during previous conferences were published by Gdynia City Hall. They are also available on-line at: www.gdynia.pl/zabytkiGENERAL INFORMATIONParticipation in the conference is free of charge. All participants (including speakers) shall cover the costs of their travel and accommodation. Sessions will be held in Polish and English with simultaneous interpretation provided. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________CONFERENCE PROGRAMMEDAY 1 – THURSDAY OCTOBER 3RD 201910:00 Opening of the conference SESSION 1 1. Prof. Arch. Michael Turner, Bezalel Academy of Arts And Design, Jerusalem, IsraelUrban Forms of the 20th Century2. Prof. Dr. Mart Kalm, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, EstoniaSimilar tasks, diverse answers. On Inter-war Modernism in the Baltic Countries3. Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Zahariade, Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning, Bucharest, RomaniaVa-et-vient Between Polish and Romanian Modernism4. Jadwiga Urbanik, Dr. Arch. Eng., Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław„The Growing House” in Interwar GermanyBREAK SESSION 21. Doc. Dr. Nataša Koselj, Chair of DOCOMOMO Slovenia, Ljubljana, SloveniaRoots of the Slovenian Structuralism - From Plečnik to Ravnikar and Beyond. Centenary of the Ljubljana School of Architecture and the Bauhaus2. Prof. Petr Vorlik, Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech RepublicCzech Architecture of the Eighties Set Against the Landscape and the City3. Dr. Edward Denison, The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, London, Great BritainModernism and the Anthropocene - Towards the Post-Modern4. Prof. Dr. Marija Dremaite, Vilnius University, Vilnius, LithuaniaThe Afterlives of Socialist Modernism: The Question of Integrity5. Aleksander Buriak, DSc, Maria Rusanowa, MSc, Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kharkiv, Ukraine Complex of Freedom Square in Kharkiv – Chrestomathy of Strategies for Preserving Authenticity of Avant-garde Architecture15.30 - 16.30 BREAKSESSION 3 GDYNIA1. Prof. Maria Jolanta Sołtysik, Dr. Arch. Eng. Hab., Gdańsk University of Technology, Gdańsk/GdyniaThe integrity of the Port and the City. The Urban Concept of Julian Rummel and Its Influence on the Plans of Gdynia2. Waldemar Affelt, BEng., PhD, PKN ICOMOS, Main Conservation Committee, President of Historic Gdynia Association, GdyniaThe Love for Modernism - Gdynia Strategy of Shaping the Community of Heritage3. Robert Hirsch, Dr. Arch. Eng. Hab., Celina Łozowska, MA, Gdańsk University of Technology/ Municipal Conservation Office in Gdynia, Gdańsk/GdyniaSocial Insurance Institution Buildings Complex in Partyzantów Str. as an Example of Modern Integrity of Function and Form4. Agnieszka Drączkowska, MA, Gdynia City Museum, GdyniaModernism on a Human Scale: the Interwar Architecture of Gdynia Redłowo DAY 2 – FRIDAY OCTOBER 4TH 2019 10.00SESSION 1 1. Dr. Arch. Jeremie Hoffmann, Head of the Conservation Department of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, IsraelModern Management (Moma)2. Wolfgang H. Salcher, Msc Eng., Federal Monuments Authority, Vienna, AustriaThe Challenges of Protecting Our Past in Vienna - Expo, Philips, Shops and Communist Party3. Piotr Marciniak, Dr. Arch. Eng. Hab., Assoc. Prof. at Poznań University of Technology, PoznańThe Limits of Modernism: About New Forms, the Compact City Concept and Postmodernism4. Małgorzata Rozbicka, Dr. Arch. Eng. Hab., Prof. at Warsaw University of Technology, WarsawModernism in the Architecture of Polish Villages and Towns (1918-1939)5. Aneta Borowik, PhD, University of Silesia in Katowice, Institute of Architecture Documentation in the Silesian Library, KatowiceThe Sadness of Architecture Fading AwayBREAKSESSION 2 1. Prof. Dr. Ivo Hammer, Villa Tugendhat, Vienna, AustriaSurfacing Materials Matter! Facade Finishes of Outstanding Modernist Architecture in the 1920s and 1930s in Europe2. Vladimir Shukhov, BEng., President of DOCOMOMO Russia, Moscow, RussiaSurvey of Melnikov House with the Support of the Getty Foundation3. Krzysztof Bizio, Dr. Arch. Eng. Hab., Kamila Nowak, MSc, Eng. Arch., West Pomeranian University of Technology in SzczecinConcepts of Tall Office Buildings in Modernist Architecture and Their Impact on Contemporary Solutions 4. Anna Syska, MSc, Eng. Arch., Municipal Conservation Officer in Tychy, TychyThe Tychy Idea of Prefabrication5.Vilte Janusauskaite, PhD, Vilnius University, Vilnius, LithuaniaModernism vs Heritage, Housing vs Architecture? Intentions and Practice of Socialist Modernist Architecture Protection in Lithuania15.00 - 16.00 BREAK SESSION 31. Prof. Jakub Lewicki, Dr. Hab., Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Provincial Conservation Officer of the Mazowieckie Province, Warsaw Preservation of the Authenticity and Integrity of Modernist Architecture – New Experiences on the Examples of Warsaw and Mazovia2. Kinga Kimic, BEng., PhD, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW in Warsaw, WarsawModernist House and Garden of the Interwar Period – Integrity of Function and Form3. Paulius Tautvydas Laurinaitis, MSc, Huriye Armagan Dogan, MSc, Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, LithuaniaThe Phenomena of Kaunas Modernism: Its Language and the Invisible Social Context4. Wojciech Bagiński, MSc, Eng. Arch., Dorota Bagińska, MSc, Eng. Arch., Kinga Kimic, BEng, PhD, D.W. Bagińscy Architekci s.c., Warsaw Zoological Garden/Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, WarsawA Model Implementation of the Idea of „A Functional, Economical Wooden House” with a Garden – the Flagship Project of Bohdan Lachert and Józef SzanajcaDAY 3 - SATURDAY OCTOBER 5TH 2019 10.00 PRESENTATION OF SELECTED EXAMPLES OF MODERNIST ARCHITECTURE________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE 1. Jeremie Hoffmann, Dr. Arch.Head of Conservation Department, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Israel2. Doc. Dr. Nataša Koselj Coordinator Docomomo Slovenia, Lubliana, Slovenia3. Prof. Jadwiga W. Łukaszewicz, Dr. Hab.President of Polish National Committee of ICOMOS, Poland4. Prof. Lucyna Nyka, Dr. Arch. Eng. Hab.Gdańsk University of Technology, Dean of Faculty of Architecture, Poland5. Prof. Andrzej K. Olszewski, Dr. Hab.Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland6. Prof. Jacek Purchla, Dr. Hab.President of the Polish National Commission for UNESCO, Poland7. Prof. Maria Jolanta Sołtysik, Dr. Arch. Eng. Hab.Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Poland8. Prof. Ing. Arch. DrSc. Vladimír ŠlapetaBrno University of Technology, Czech Republic9. Robert Hirsch, Dr. Arch. Eng. Hab. Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Head of Conservation Office, Gdynia City Hall, Poland10. Marek Stępa, Dr. Arch. Eng.Plenipotentiary of the Mayor of Gdynia, Head of Heritage Protection Department, Poland INFORMATION FOR OTHER PARTICIPANTSDue to organizational reasons participants are asked to fill in a registration form till 31st August, 2019. After this date application will still be possible, however, participants will not receive conference materials. Please contact: zabytki@gdynia.plORGANIZER: City of GdyniaCO-ORGANIZER: Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk University of TechnologyHONORARY PATRONAGE: Minister of Culture and National Heritage Piotr GlińskiPATRONAGE: DOCOMOMO International, National Heritage Board of Poland, Polish National Committee of International Council on Monuments and Sites ICOMOS-POLANDVENUEPomeranian Science and Technology Park Gdynia, Conference Centre, address: al. Zwycięstwa 96/98, Gdynia, Poland.CONTACTGdynia City Hall □ City Monuments Protection Office ul. 10 Lutego 24 □ 81-364 Gdynia □ e-mail: zabytki@gdynia.pl □ www.gdynia.pl/modernism □ Event on Facebook Do pobrania About the Conference - Conference flyer pdf7297kb Conference poster jpg5698kb Opublikowano: 29.12.2018 10:44 Autor: Celina Łozowska (celina.lozowska@gdynia.pl) Zmodyfikowano: 23.09.2019 12:13 Zmodyfikował: Celina Łozowska