Activities in international organizations


The membership of Gdynia since 1991

UBC is a quickly developing network of more than 100 member cities from 10 countries situated by the Baltic Sea. It unites cities usually represented by the members of City Councils, Mayors and other official representatives of the cities who are involved in the work of local authorities. UBC was established in Gdańsk in 1991 with the aim of creating a lobby which would lead to the realization of the vision of the Baltic Region in the 21 century. This vision would be developed in relation to the integration process of united Europe and for the benefit of the development of democracy and economy.

This aim is being carried into effect through international cooperation, constant communication and joint concern about the welfare of the Baltic Region inhabitants. UBC is governed by the General Conference of deputies from the member cities, the President and three Vice-Presidents, the Executive Board consisting of representatives of the 10 cities- one union member from each country. Currently, there are 13 Commissions operating in UBC: Commission on Education, Energy, Culture,  Environment, Health and Social Affairs, Transportation, Sport, Tourism, Business Cooperation, Urban Planning, Gender Equality, Youth Issues and Local Safety.  The Commissions coordinate and carry out projects of the activities and events in the Union in each of the above mentioned categories. Each city may come up with its own independent contribution to the works of particular Commissions.

The systematic flow of information between the member cities takes place during meetings, conferences, exhibitions and scientific sessions organized by the Commissions. It is the Commission on Environment, which is especially active in the organization of such events (since 1997 it has been publishing a special bulletin dedicated exclusively to the problems of environmental protection.). In addition, UBC organizes courses and thematic trainings for all its members. Since its establishment it has been publishing 2-3 times a year a bulletin informing about different initiatives in the member cities of UBC, other important international events, organizations and institutions functioning in the Baltic Region. UBC is also publishing information about its activities on its website Moreover, since August 2003 UBC has been publishing UBC e-News, informational leaflet distributed via e-mail. It contains all information about the activities of UBC and events.

UBC has the status of observer in the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS), the Parliamentary Conference on Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Area, the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM), the Committee of the Regions and the Council of Europe's Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe (CLRAE).

Contact Addresses:
UBC President:
Per Bodker Andersen
Akseltorv 1
DK-6000 Kolding, Denmark
phone: + 45 401 91 500
fax: + 45 79 30 20 02

UBC Secretary General:
Paweł Żaboklicki
ul. Wały Jagiellońskie 1
80-853 Gdańsk
phone: (+ 48 58) 301 09 17, 301 91 23
fax (+ 48 58) 301 76 37

The practical input of Gdynia in the works of UBC


  • Since 1995 Gdynia has been in charge of the Commission on Sport. In the years 1999-2002 it was Władysław Kozakiewicz - the then Gdynia councillor and an Olympian in pole vault that was the chairman of the Commission. Mrs Beata Łęgowska, City Councillor from Gdynia, took the office of the Commission on Sport Chairperson in the years 2002-2011. The current chairperson of the Commission is Mrs Maja Wagner, Gdynia Councillor.  Each year the Commission organizes a meeting in which representatives of the UBC member cities participate. During such meetings current matters connected with functioning of the Commission are being discussed and suggestions for some future projects are being made. In addition, there are being discussed possibilities and methods of promotion of sports, especially among young and disabled people. Up till now the following meetings have taken place:

  • 1) Gdynia (Poland), 7th of September 1995 

    2) Karlskrona (Sweden), 29th of February 1996

    3) Cetniewo (Poland), 21st of March 1997

    4) Siauliai (Lithuania), 5th of May 1998

    5) Gdynia (Poland), 19th of June 1999- representatives of 8 cities from 3 countries (Lithuania, Russia and Poland) took part in the meeting, during which they presented calendars of international sporting events organized in their cities. It was decided that some of them would be co-financed from the budget of the Commission on Sport and would be held under the auspices of UBC. The Commission allocated means for the organization of 6 international sporting events. The possibilities of financing sporting events from the EU programmes were also discussed.

    6) Panevezys (Lithuania), 29th of April 2000 - representatives of 8 cities from Lithuania, Latvia, Denmark and Poland participated in the meeting. The participants discussed the budget for the current year and decided to co-finance 6 sporting events organized in the member cities.

    7) Sopot (Poland), 7th of April 2001 - in the meeting participated the representatives of 13 cities from Lithuania, Latvia, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Germany and Poland. In the course of the meeting there were presented among others: (1) an initiative of organizing sporting activities for elderly people (Aalborg, Denmark), (2) rules of promotion of sports through the Network for the European Youth Work in Sports (Frankfurt am Main) and (3) a still not well-known in Poland discipline of unihockey ( Gdynia, Poland). As each year, the Commission on Sport allocated means to 7 international sporting events.

    8) Karlskrona (Sweden), 16th of March 2002, Integration of the disabled through sport. Representatives from 13 cities from Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden participated in the meeting. The representative of Gdynia introduced the Polish system of municipal social services and Gdynia's work within the activities of the disabled. The representatives of Karlskrona and Stockholm (Sweden) presented the participants with the Swedish model of activation of the disabled. A delegate from Aalborg acquainted the gathered with the activities of the Sporting Union for the Disabled in Aalborg. During the meeting the budget of the Commission on Sport for the year 2002 was discussed. It was also Mr. Magnus Johnsson, a politician from the Commission on Sport in Karlskrona who was elected the new vice-chairman of the Commission on Sport. The new host of the annual meeting of the Commission on Sport in 2003 was as well chosen - the city of Aalborg in Denmark. As each year, the Commission on Sport decided that the events organized in the member cities would come under its auspices and gave small grants to them. Giving grants in the year 2002, the Commission put emphasis on the participation of the disabled sportsmen in the events. From the sporting events applying for the auspices of the Commission on Sport (financial and honourable) in the year 2002 eight were chosen.
    9) Aalborg (Denmark) 11-13th of April 2003, Sport as an rehabilitation tool in the process of integration. The 2003
    Annual Meeting in Denmark gathered representatives from 6 cities of 4 countries: Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland. In addition to discussing organizational matters, UBC Social Campaign "Without Limits" and Agenda 22 were introduced together with other presentations, namely: (1)"Broadness for the most important life spheres among disabled people"; (2) "Youth Games in Aalborg with special focus on the sport for disabled persons"; (3) "Sport as a rehabilitation tool for integration - A life after the working life"; (4) "Senior Sport project" - the project offering sports activities to elderly people (5) "Sport as an integration tool for refugees/fugitives". Additionally, during a study tour in "The Association for Disabled in Aalborg" the participants of the meeting had the opportunity to experience what it is like to be disabled. Moreover, the Commission on Sport decided to organise Equal Opportunity Prize instead of allocating grants. This competition was organised in response to the decision of the Council of European Union to announce 2003 the European Year of People with Disabilities. The Prize was to be awarded to a UBC member city for the best organised sporting event addressed to people with disabilities or sporting event with participation of both the disabled and able-bodied. Four cities participated in the competition: Aalborg (Denmark), Rostock (Germany), Siauliai (Lithuania) and Tallinn (Estonia). It was the city of Tallinn that was presented with 3000 EUR during the VII UBC conference General in Klaipeda (Lithuania) on 18th October 2003. Tallinn was awarded the Prize for the organization of the 6th European Athletics Championship of the Deaf. 240 sportsmen participated in the championship of which 169 were disabled. Sportsmen represented 19 countries. The Championship was accompanied by a rich cultural programme organised by the city which offered performances, folk dances, pantomime, games and integrating events. A performance of deaf people was organised for both the participants and the audiance. The jury took the decision to present Tallinn with "Equal Opportunities Prize" because the event organized by this city really proved that sport is the universal language of communication for disabled people of Europe. The sporting event that took place in Tallinn was the fullest realization of integration idea. It put the emphasis not only on the integration of disabled sportsmen with other participants but also with the general public.

    10)  Narva (Estonia) 02-03.04.2004, Education through Sport - the Annual Meeting of the UBC Commission on Sport was attended by representatives of 12 cities from 7 countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden. In response to the announcement of European Year of Education through Sport by the Council of European Union, the Commission on Sport devoted its meeting to this particular subject. Among the presentations, there were examples of projects on education through sport carried out in the fields of sailing, rugby and kick-boxing. The main objective of the a/m sporting activities was to encourage young people to develop themselves both physically as well as socially. This aim was obtained through teaching such abilities as team work, solidarity, tolerance and fair play rules. As a part of the celebrations of the European Year of Education through Sport, the Commission also decided to award grants for the organisation of sporting events with special emphasis laid on counteracting social exclusion of disadvantaged groups. It is the aim of the a/m grants to raise awareness among educational and sporting organisations in order to stimulate their cooperation in the field of education through sport. Awarding grants also aims at promoting values of sport and increasing the number of school and sports exchanges among young people. Besides, the Commission on Sport decided to host the 2005 annual meeting in Klaipeda, whereas in 2006 the meeting would be held in Gdynia.

    11)  Klaipeda (Lithuania) 14-16.04.2005, Healthy Lifestyle Through Sport. One of the questions posed during the Annual Meeting of UBC Commission on Sport in Klaipeda was how to motivate people to be more active. Participants from 13 UBC member cities from 6 countries discussed the issue of physical activity and health promotion presented by professor H. Löllgen (Germany) and Mr. D. Kepenis from Palanga School of Health (Lithuania). Moreover, two practical examples were shown by Ms H. Parkkunen (Finland) - Healthy City Programme carried out in collaboration with WHO and by Ms B. Grüner (Germany) - Interreg III C SportUrban Project. During the meeting of the Commission on Sport Ms Beata Łęgowska (Gdynia) was re-elected Chairperson for the next term of office and Ms Lena Ryge (Karlskrona) was elected the Vice-chairperson.

    12)  Gdynia (Poland) 4-6.05.2006, Active Living. The UBC Commission on Sport Annual Meeting entitled "Active Living" gathered representatives of 17 cities from 11 countries. The meeting consisted of two thematic blocks: the first one was devoted to multifunctional sports arenas. There were presentations of sports arenas in the cities of Gdynia (Poland), Rostock (Germany), Karlskrona (Sweden), Gladsaxe near Copenhagen (Denmark). The presentations consisted in demonstrating a management system of sports facilities as well as ways of promoting sport among inhabitants of all age groups from the a/m cities. The second block dealt with best practices connected with active living programmes - "Cities on the Move". This part of the Annual Meeting was prepared in cooperation with the Baltic Region Healthy Cities Association. The first presentation entitled "One step - better than nothing" showed how Turku (Finland) promotes healthy lifestyle as well as encourages its inhabitants to be active. Moreover, the representatives of Baltic Region Healthy Cities Association presented the programme "Schools on the move" whose objective is to make schooldays (especially school breaks) more physically active. Next, a representative of Polva (Estonia) presented the town's experiences in developing healthy and active strategies. The following presentation was focused on "Exercise and Diet on Prescription" - the initiative implemented in Copenhagen.

    13)  Karlskrona (Sweden), 19-21.04.2007, Sport - a Healthy Alternative. Delegates from 7 UBC member countries participated in the Annual Meeting of the UBC Commission on Sport (that is from Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Poland and Sweden). The meeting was devoted to the promotion of active recreation as a way of counteracting different addictions. The representatives of Karlskrona (including Government Drug Coordinator) presented methods for prevention of unhealthy lifestyle and addition for example to drugs or doping. In the second part of the meeting speakers from Turku (Finland) as well as Karlskrona presented effective methods for healthy lifestyle promotion. Apart from that, the participants in the meeting had an opportunity to experience healthy lifestyle promotion in practice by visiting two sports arenas: Karlskrona Indoor Athletic Arena and Telenor Arena Karlskrona. In addition, during the meeting Ms Beata Łęgowska, Gdynia City Councillor, was reelected as Chairperson of the UBC Commission on Sport. The representative of Karlskrona, Ms Camilla Brunsberg, was elected Vice-Chairperson. In the course of the meeting the procedure of “Always Active” grant allocation was also presented. It was the aim of the 2007 grant session to support projects encouraging elderly people to maintain good physical condition and promote sport as a means of illness prevention. Grants awarded by the UBC Commission on Sport are addressed exclusively to UBC member cities.

    14)  Kristiansand (Norway) 25.09.2009,  Annual Meeting of the Commission on Sport during the UBC General Conference. At the meeting the current activity of the Commission and plans for the future were discussed.

    15)  Tallinn (Estonia) 22-24.04.2010, Sport is cool!. The main subjects of the meeting were devoted to the promotion of sport among the youth as an interesting alternative to regular pastime. The presentations during the meeting served as a source of inspiration for participants to introduce activities that encourage young people to pass actively their free time.

    Commission on Sport issued four English editions of a leaflet (in 1999, 2002, 2004 and 2005) informing about its activities, initiatives and projects. Furthermore, the Commission on Sport created on its website a database containing sports clubs in the member cities. It makes it possible for the clubs involved to come into a direct contact with one another.
    Within the celebration of the 10 anniversary of UBC, the Commission on Sport created in 2001 an occasional exhibition showing the output of the Commission. The exhibition was presented during the Sixth General Conference of UBC in Rostock.

    List of sporting events organised in the UBC member cities and co-financed by the UBC Commission on Sport:

    Name of the event
    Grand Prix Regatta in Windsurfing
    Łeba, Poland
    Christmas Football Games
    Karlskrona, Sweden
    4th Twin Cities Sporting Competition
    Gdynia, Poland
    5th Twin Cities Sporting Competition
    Gdynia, Poland
    Yachting, Surf Board, Beach Leg Volleyball and Canoe Competition
    Klaipeda, Lithuania
    Handball and Rugby Tournament
    Siauliai, Lithuania
    Tennis Tournament
    Turku, Finland
    1st UBC Sports Games
    Klaipeda, Lithuania
    "Baltic Sail" Regatta
    Gdańsk, Poland
    International Small Football Tournament
    Vilnius, Lithuania
    International Children Triathlon
    Panevezys, Lithuania
    Baltic Autumn
    Kaliningrad, Russia
    2nd UBC Sports Games
    Klaipeda, Lithuania
    2nd European Road Running Race
    Gdynia, Poland
    International Female Cycling Competition
    Panevezys, Lithuania
    International UBC Football Tournament
    Panevezys, Lithuania
    International Handball Festival
    Panevezys, Lithuania
    International Volleyball Tournament
    Panevezys, Lithuania
    9th Twin Cities Sporting Competition
    Gdynia, Poland
    Beach Soccer Cup of Jurmala
    Jurmala, Latvia
    Summer 2001
    3rd UBC Sports Games
    Klaipeda, Lithuania
    Panevezys Sports Festival
    Panevezys, Lithuania
    UBC Volleyball Tournament
    Panevezys, Lithuania
    International Football Teams Competition for Juniors
    Tukums, Latvia
    4th International Vilnius Races
    Vilnius, Lithuania
    16th International Run of Disabled People "Sankt Petersburg - Pushkin"
    St. Petrsburg, Russia
    Cesis Sport Festival for the Handicapped
    Cesis, Latvia
    "European Road Running Race"
    Gdynia, Poland
    UBC Tournament of Basketball Players in Wheelchairs
    Panevezys, Lithuania
    International Basketball Tournament for the Deaf
    Panevezys, Lithuania
    3rd City Games
    Siauliai, Lithuania
    26th International Chess Tournament - "Baltic Cup"
    Koszalin, Poland
    6th European Athletics Championship of the Deaf (Equal Opportunity Prize)
    Tallinn, Estonia
    "Healthy Mind and Sporty Body"
    Johvi, Estonia
    "European Mobility Week 2004 in Chojnice"
    Chojnice, Poland
    "Education and Sport - a Task for Everybody"
    Rostock, Germany
    "My yard - a different yard - crackdown programme against social maladaptation of difficult youth"
    Gdynia, Poland
    "Sports and Community - Manifest of Successful and Targeted Partnership"
    Siauliai, Lithuania
    02.2004 - 09.2004
    "Days of Narva"
    Narva, Estonia
    "International Youth Day 2005"
    Pärnu, Estonia
    Go in for Sports and You Will Live Healthy
    Panevezys, Lithuania
    Liepaja Sporting Weekend
    Liepaja, Latvia
    "Table Tennis - a Way to Healthy Lifestyle"
    Koszalin, Poland
    15.05.2005 - 11.06.2005
    Summer Beach Tournaments
    Gdynia, Poland
    "Winter Sport Delights"
    Siauliai, Lithuania
    "Fit as a Fiddle"
    Haapsalu, Estonia
    "Keila Rull 2006"
    Keila, Estonia
    "Active and Healthy Afternoon for the Office Workers"
    Tartu, Estonia
    "Integration with help of sport and youth club"
    Karlskrona, Sweden
    "Nature Route in the Town
    Chojnice, Poland
    "Save points - win health"                     
    Karlskrona, Sweden
    1.06 - 30.09.2007
    "Physical activity of elderly people"         
    Panevežys, Lithuania
    June - October 2007
    "The Islands of health"              
    Šiauliai, Lithuania
    1.08 - 30.11.2007
    "Gym at home!"            
    Turku, Finland
    October 2007
    „Sport for All Generations"
    Liepaja, Latvia
    May-August 2008
    "Physical Activity - for both Young and Elderly People"
    Panevezys, Lithuania
    April 1 - October 31, 2008
    „Voru Town 1784-metre Run"
    Voru, Estonia
    August 21, 2008
    "Small ball - great exercise"
    Koszalin, Poland
    "Healthy body - healthy mind"
    Panevezys, Lithuania
    "Go, Seniors, go!"
    Ustka, Poland
    2.11.2009 - 31.03.2010
    "Let's go in for sports and be young"
    Vilnius, Lithuania
    2.11.2009 - 31.03.2010
    „Join Recreation Activities!"
    Tukums, Latvia
    „Bergen Rugby Project"
    Bergen, Norway
    „Sport for life"
    Sillamae, Estonia
    Voru, Estonia
     „Bicycle Paths for Everyone"
    Liepaja, Latvia
    May 2012
    „City-port = Youth-sport"
    Kaliningrad, Russia
    December 2011 - December 2012
    „Tourism on my doorsteps"
    Voru, Estonia
    April 2012
    „Catch the amber wave"
    Klaipeda, Lithuania
    10.10.2011 - 30.06.2012

  • The Commission on Sport established cooperation with The Baltic Region Healthy Cities Association - WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Cities and Urban Health in the Baltic Region. It coordinates and promotes the goals of Healthy Cities operations in the region. Its aim is to improve public health through healthy diet and physical activity.
  • In regard to announcing 2004 - European Year of Education through Sport and its Action Plan 2004-2005, the UBC Commission on Sport decided to open on its website the Annual Calendar of Sporting Events ( The Calendar was created in order to distribute information regarding sporting events (with an educational aspect) held in UBC member cities.

    UBC Commission on Sport “Always Active” Social Campaign

  • With the ageing process of European society progressing and consequently physical fitness and functional capacity of Europeans naturally decreasing, the UBC Commission on Sport launched the Social Campaign entitled “Always Active”.  The objective of the campaign was to prevent physical mobility restrictions originating from advanced age as well as
    to counteract consequent social exclusion. The campaign has targeted at promoting an active lifestyle as a factor enhancing health and functional capacity as well as at stressing the importance of healthy ageing process. It should be stressed here that the above mentioned targets were in line with the priorities of the World Health Organisation. Within the “Always Active” Social Campaign, the UBC Commission on Sport realised the following activities: 

  • 2007 UBC Commission on Sport Grant Session “Always Active” In the year 2007 the UBC Commission on Sport awarded grants for those projects which encouraged elderly people to keep physically active and increased their functional capacity as well as promoted sport as a way of preventing various illnesses. As usual the Commission’s grants were addressed exclusively to UBC member cities. The winners of the grant competition were Chojnice (Poland), Karlskrona (Sweden), Panevezys (Lithuania), Siauliai (Lithuania) and Turku (Finland). 
  • 2008 UBC Commission on Sport Grant Session: “Sport for All Generations”  In 2008 the UBC Commission on Sport has continued to promote sport as a health-enhancing factor which simultaneously counteracts social exclusion and isolation. Yet, this year the Commission on Sport has allocated grants for projects which integrate all the generations in their attempts to keep physically and mentally active as well as  fit. Social and generation integration has been thus one of the most important values of 2008 projects. The winners of the grant session were the following cities: Liepaja (Latvia), Panevezys (Lithuania) and Voru (Estonia).
  • 2009 UBC Commission on Sport Grant Session “Active and fit”Physical fitness and functional capacity naturally decrease as people become more advanced in their years. With the ageing process progressing, they develop mobility restrictions and consequently start suffering from various problems. Hence, in the 2009 grant session entitled “Active and Fit” UBC Commission on Sport awarded these projects which offered rehabilitation opportunities to elderly people with mobility restrictions and thus propagated physical activity among elderly people. The awarded cities were: Panevezys (Lithuania), Vilnius (Lithuania), Koszalin (Poland) and Ustka (Poland).  
  • International Conference “Always Active”  It was the UBC Commission on Sport intention to promote a positive relationship between physical activity and health which is crucial for functional capacity as well as mobile independence of elderly people. In order to meet the a/m target the Commission organised an international conference “Always Active” which was addressed mainly to people involved in work with elderly people and institutions/organisations established to encourage these people to keep (physically and mentally) active.   Held in Gdynia (Poland) on 4-5 June 2009, the conference was organised in cooperation with the City of Gdynia and Senior Activity Centre in Gdynia. It gathered speakers from six European countries who presented best practices from their cities as well as innovative projects concerning active lifestyle among elderly people. The conference started with a presentation made by the President of German Federation of Sports Medicine on the topic of healthy lifestyle and its importance for future physical mobility. Next Scandinavian speakers introduced various projects implemented to help elderly people remain active as well as to encourage them to do sports at home. Participants in “Always Active” conference were also offered an opportunity to see in practice various activities realised by the City of Gdynia in order to encourage elderly people to remain physically and mentally active even in their advanced age and retirement years. 
  • 2010 UBC Commission on Sport Grant Session “Sport is cool!”  Taking into account the fact that nowadays less and less young people regard sport as an interesting way of passing their leisure time preferring to watch TV or play computer games, the UBC Commission on Sport decided to award projects which offer original ways of encouraging young people to pass actively their free time as well as propagate physical activity among them. The winners of the grant session were the projects from Tukums (Latvia), Bergen (Norway), Voru (Estonia) and Sillamae (Estonia).


    Since October 2005 the UBC Commission on Transportation has been chaired by the city of Gdynia in cooperation with the Swedish city of Örebro. Between the years 2005-2008 Mr Marcin Wolek, City Councillor, was the Chairman of the Commission. Mr Zygmunt Zmuda-Trzebiatowski, City Councillor, was the Chairman in the years 2008-2010. Since 2010 Mr Andrzej Bień, City Councillor has been the Chairman of the Commission. Within its activities the Commission sent out a questionnaire to UBC member cities to learn about their interests and to identify transport needs. Cities expressed the greatest interest in transportation issues concerning traffic safety, local public transport, cycling, accessibility and transport planning and methods. The website of the Commission has been modified. One can find there information on Commission's activities, best practices and initiatives of the member cities as well as links to different international transport organisations. On the website automatically updated news concerning EU transport policy can be found (news from the EurActiv portal).

  • On 29th September 2006 in Gdynia there was held the Annual Meeting of UBC Commission on Transportation entitled "Integration of transport systems in the Baltic Europe". The meeting, during which the latest initiatives of the Commission as well as future activities were discussed, was combined with a seminar devoted to the integration of transport systems and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Lecturers from Germany and Sweden presented the rules for organisation and financing of the integrated transport system in Mecklemburg-Vorpommern and Stockholm Regions. The representatives of the University of Gdańsk presented the rules for public transport system integration in the Tri-city as well as a draft of an advanced system of transport management in the Tri-City agglomeration. Next the representative of the European Commission presented the functioning rules of Intelligent Transport Systems in The European Union and the representative of Göteborg (Sweden) acquainted the participants with the practical benefits of ITS use on the example of his city.
  • During the General Conference of UBC in Kristiansand (Norway) on 25.09.2010 the Commission on Transportation presented its current activities and plans for the future. 
  •  The UBC Commissions on Energy, Environment and Transportation Joint Meeting was held in Gdynia (Poland) on 17-19th March 2010. It was focused on Sustainable Solutions for Combating Climate Change in the Baltic Sea Region - implementing the UBC Sustainability Action Programme 2009-2015 and the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. The aim of the meeting organised jointly by three UBC Commissions was to analyse and discuss challenges of climate change from these three viewpoints. Climate change is already happening and decisive actions are needed if we are to avoid the worst results it could bring. On 18th March during the panel of the Commission on Environment participants got acquainted with the solutions for combating storm water in the city of Gdansk (Poland) as well as with the storm water measures in the cities of Pori and Turku (Finland). The case of Swedish Climate municipalities allowed guests to learn how to implement climate change actions effectively in cities. The panel of the Commission on Transportation stressed the importance of introducing the sustainable mobility solutions to our everyday live. Heavy traffic inevitably leads to air pollution having bad impact on our climate. The speakers presented public transport policy in Gdynia (Poland) including trolleybus system, paid parking zones and cycling initiatives. The representative of Ghent (Belgium) presented a highly developed cycling policy of this city comprising many initiatives and undertakings aimed at stimulating healthy transport habits. The speaker from Umeå (Sweden) presented, among other things, the activities of the agency for Mobility Management in Umeå as well as actions promoting sustainable transport solutions. At the end of the panel the Carbon Aware Travel Choice - the CATCH project was described by the representative of POLIS organisation from Brussels (Belgium). On 19th March the meeting of the Commission on Energy panel was held. During the meeting the innovative Baltic Sea Region & Technology Transfer system was presented by the representative of TT Center Kalmar Science Park in Sweden.
  • On 21-22.10.2010 the UBC Commission on Transportation organised a seminar in Gdynia: "What can we do to increase the road safety among children and young people?". The seminar was aimed at showing what measures can be taken to increase the road safety of children and the youth, what has already been done and what more could be undertaken to increase the general level of road safety. It was addressed to teachers, local government, non-governmental organisations, police as well as institutions dealing with road safety issues. Both national and foreign speakers had been invited to the seminar. The participants of the seminar learned the assumptions of the Swedish Vision Zero Initiative described by a representative of the Swedish Embassy in Poland. The basic rule of this Swedish approach to road safety is a conviction that no loss of life is acceptable. The Vision Zero approach has proven highly successful - Sweden has one of the world's lowest traffic-related fatality rates. The representative of the Gdansk of Technology presented the Polish Vision Zero - GAMBIT 2005 - 2013. The Polish and international associations, foundations as well as the Gdansk University of Technology, police and city guard informed the participants about the educational campaigns and actions aimed at increasing the road safety awareness among children and youth.

  • Commission on Transportation Grants

    Since 2007 the Commission on Transportation has organised grant sessions for the transport-related projects. The most interesting and original projects have been awarded grants by the international jury: 

      Name of the projectOrganiserDate of the project
     2007 - Grant session: "Sustainable Mobility in the City" 
     1School Travel Plan (STP) Regional Awareness CampaignKaunas, LithuaniaJune-August 2007
     2Ride Sharing Website (Pendlerportal) in the Technology Region of K.E.R.N. (Cities of Kiel, Neumuenster and the District of Rendsburg-Eckernfoerde)Kiel, GermanyNovember 2007
     3Alternative transport - clean Palanga resortPalanga, LithuaniaJune-October 2007
     4SchoolbusTallinn, EstoniaAugust 2007
      2007 - Grant session: "Road Safety Contest"
     5Road safety programme of the Primary School No.3 Chojnice, PolandSchool year 2007/2008 
     6Education and prevention programme "Live safely" of the Primary School No. 21 Gdynia, Poland School year 2007/2008 
     7Road safety programme of the Klaipeda's Gilijos' Primary School Klaipeda, Lithuania School year 2007/2008 
      2008 - Grant session: "Bike to School"
     8Project of the Merivalja School Tallinn, Estonia School year 2008/2009 
    Project of the Primary School No. 35 Gdynia, Poland School year 2008/2009 
    10 Project of the Primary School No. 19 Kaliningrad, Russia School year 2008/2009 
    11 Project of the Voru Kesklinna Gumnaasium Voru, Estonia School year 2008/2009 
     2009 - Grant session: "Car-Free Day" 
    12 Project of the City of Słupsk Słupsk, Poland 22.09.2009 
    13 Project of the City of Liepaja Liepaja, Latvia 16-23.09.2009 
     14Project of the City of Gdynia Gdynia, Poland 19-30.09.2009 
    15 Project of the City of Panevezys Panevezys, Lithuania 22.09.2009 
    16 Project of the City of Gaevle Gaevle, Sweden 19.09.2009 
     2010 - Grant session: "Bike to Work" 
     17Project of the Hanseatic City of Rostock Rostock, Germany May - September 2011 
     2011 Grant session: "Bike to School"
     18Project of Tallinn Rahumae Basic School Tallinn, Estonia School year 2011/2012 
    19 Project of the Association Sustainable Development Institute Koszalin, Poland December 2011 - May 2012 
     2012 Grant session: "Walk to School" 
     20Project of Voru Kreutzwald Gymnasium Voru, Estonia April - May 2013 
     21Project of Rakvere Private Gymnasium Rakvere, Estonia 25.02-04.06.13
    22 Project of 26 Primary School Gdynia, Poland School year 2012/2013

    Between 27th and 28th September 2007 the IX UBC General Conference was held in Pärnu (Estonia). During the Conference meetings of all commissions were organised, including Commission and Transportation. During the meeting of the Commission on Transportation its chairperson Mr. Wołek introduced the participants to the initiatives and activities of the Commission. He also encouraged the members to take part in the undertaking of the TransCom, namely the Road Safety Contest. During the meeting the representative of Örebro (Sweden) presented a report on the implementation of the "Baltic Sea Cycling" project and the delegate of Rostock (Germany) acquainted the participants in t he meeting with the "Baltic Cycling Network" project proposal.
    • The Commission on Transportation has supported institutions preparing transport-related projects by signing the letter of support  for the ABC project - aiming to increase the role of bicycles in the transport modal split. The Commission on Transporation is an associated partner in this project.
    • The Commission on Transportation has sent an application form of the UBC to join the European Road Safety Charter. UBC was accepted as the signatory of the charter in 2009.  More than 1300 institutions have signed this charter so far. ERSC is an undertaking of Directorate-General for Energy and Transport of the European Commission. The main goal of this Charter is halving the number of traffic fatalities by 2010. The Charter includes 10 general principles referring to road safety prevention measures and a concrete commitment which a signing organisation is obliged to fulfil within the consecutive three years. The commitments could include, for example road safety campaigns, publication of road safety information, provision of driving courses for employees, elaboration of a road safety plan or improvement of the infrastructure etc.
    • In 2011 UBC Commission on Transportation sent out a questionnaire on transport issues to the UBC member cities. It was prepared on the basis of the EU document: "White Paper 2011. Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area - Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system". By means of this survey we wanted to get to know the interests of the cities in the field of transport in order to focus more and better adjust our future actions to the actual needs. The answers were sent by 18 cities from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland adn Sweden. The fields of interest of the majority of cities concerned the issues of transport safety and security including safety of cyclists and pedestrians, security in public transport. Cities were also interested in the "zero vision" idea on road safety as well as in the promoting of awareness and alternatives to car.


    Within the UBC Gdynia takes part in the works of the Commissions on Sport, Transportation, Urban Planning, Environment, Education and Culture. The representatives of Gdynia participate in conferences, seminars, Commission meetings, workshops organized by the Union and projects co-financed by EU programmes.

    • With the cooperation of a group of people concentrated round the Commission on Environmental Protection of UBC and constituting a group of the Municipal Environmental Auditing Office there was organized a seminar in Gdynia in October 1997. It was on the possibilities of benefiting from the program created for the Baltic Cities. The program of natural environment control is based among other things on mutual controls of environment carried out by the Baltic twin cities. The seminar gathered many people responsible for the environmental protection in communes and scientific institutions of the Coast area.
    • The Fifth Art Festival of UBC in 1997- organization of The Festival of Chamber Music Gdynia'97.
    • Gdynia regularly inserts articles in the UBC bulletin informing about the most interesting events taking place in our city, about international cooperation of Gdynia and about activities that are being undertaken in order to promote the idea of European integration among the inhabitants.
    • Participation in two conferences within the project " UBC-EU Information Project":- "The Situation of Local Authorities and Their Role in the European Integration Process"- Szczecin, Poland (September 1997)
    - "European Integration in the Baltic Sea Region- a Challenge for Local Authorities"- Tallin, Estonia ( November 1997)
    • Participation in the works of Task Force: in October 1998 UBC initiated a drawing competition of the title " The Children of the Baltic Sea". The idea of the competition arose during Task Force second meeting in Kalmar. Public Relations Team during Task Force third meeting in Szczecin worked it out. It was Gdynia that was appointed a coordinator of the whole of the competition. The aim of the competition was to promote the idea, structure and the activities of UBC among the inhabitants of the member cities and especially among the youngest generation.
    It was on the 28th of January 1999 in the theatre hall of the former Student Club Żak that the final of the competition took place. There were 236 works from 25 cities (Kuressaare, Narva, Sillamae, Tartu, Viljandi, Tampere, Butzow, Kiel, Rostock, Cesis, Liepaja, Riga, Ventspils, Kowno, Klajpeda, Panevezys, Siauliai, Vilnius, Gdańsk, Gdynia, Malmo, Vastervik, Vaxjo. Baltijsk, Kaliningrad) of 8 countries (Estonia, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Sweden, Russia) sent for the competition. It was a jury of 21 members consisting of representatives of local authorities of Gdańsk, Sopot and Gdynia, diplomatic corps ( Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark), international cultural organizations ( Russian Center of Culture and Science and Danish Institute of Culture) and painters that chose for the final and awarded prizes to the following works:

    I place: Tomasz Linda (12 years old), Gdańsk, Poland
    II place: Mohammad Ali (11 years old), Malmö, Sweden
    III place: Neringa Kekyte (9 years old), Siauliai, Lithuania
    IV place: Yulia Shishova (12 years old), Sillamae, Estonia
    V place: Katrina Olonkina (13 years old), Ventspils, Latvia
    VI place: Yulia Abrazoumova (9 years old), Kaliningrad, Russia
    VII place: Kiira Korpi (10 years old), Tampere, Finland
    VIII place: Anne Sonntag (12 years old), Rostock, Germany

    In addition, the jury decided to give honourable mentions to two works from Estonia and Lithuania, the countries from which the greatest number of works had been sent. Those who were given an honourable mention are: Anna Ilushenko (12 years old), Sillamae, Estonia and Agne Brazauskaite (12 years old), Kowno, Lithuania.
    All the participants of the competition received diplomas and the finalists together with those who got an honorable mention got prize gifts (painting sets, T-shirts with the logo of the competition, games, puzzles, albums). The cities from which the finalists came from received engraved commemorative plaques. The works sent for the competition have started a lot of new projects such as: travelling exhibitions in the member cities round the Baltic Sea, Virtual Gallery on the UBC website, publications (posters, calendar, postcards and so on). It is still possible to see the Virtual Gallery on the websites of UBC: - on those pages there are presented the works of the finalists, information about the competition, the list of participants and the list of jury. In addition, there was an exhibition of the drawings sent for the competition that took place in Gdynia City Hall from May the 21st to the 3rd of June 1999. On closing of the competition the first promotion material was published in a form of a poster presenting drawings from the competition. UBC allocated 6000 USD for the financing of the competition.
    • In 1999 the cities of Gdynia and Gdańsk played the role of the co-chairmen of the Commission on Business Cooperation of UBC. It was from February the 12th till 13th1999 that the second annual meeting of the above mentioned Commission was held. There were 56 participants from 22 cities of 7 countries- Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden and Poland. In the course of the two days' meeting the representatives of the local authorities, trading offices and other institutions dealing with the promotion of business made their presentations and were discussing matters connected with the development of business cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region.
    • From November 18th to 20th 1999 a conference on the business cooperation of UBC took place on board of the "Stena Europe" ferry heading for Karlskrona. In the conference participated the representatives of the Union member cities. There was a discussion being held round the points of the plan of action for the years 2000-2001 proposed by Gdynia. As the most important course of action the partcipants assumed the following: specification of the most important problems in the development strategy of particular cities, putting finger on their weak and strong points, preparation of 2-3 proposals for the joint projects that might solicit co-financing from EU funds. Moreover, during a working meeting of the Commission on Business Cooperation there was presented a brochure of the title "Economic Statistical Information Leaflet" prepared by the Economic Cooperation Division of Gdynia City Hall. Gdynia City Hall received 20 250 zl from UBC for the purpose of the organization of both meetings and the print of the brochure.
    • From June the 6th to 9th 2002 there was the 34th meeting of the of the UBC Executive Board in Viljandi (Estonia). The delegates from Gdynia introduced a project of Social Campaign of the tittle " Without Limits". The project was developed within the work of UBC related to the year 2003, which was proclaimed by the Council of Europe- European Year of the Disabled. It was suggested that the Campaign opened with a conference in Gdynia held from September the 27th to 28th 2002. The UBC Executive Board supported the idea of Social Campaign "Without Lilmits" and accepted the proposal for the presented programme of conference in Gdynia. Particular Commissions declared to get involved in the problems of the disabled and to commit one of their thematic meetings to such problems. A questionnaire prepared by the Foreign Relations Department in order to survey the environment and problems of the handicapped was sent to all of the member cities of UBC. It made it possible to get the idea about the extent to what particular cities could cooperate with one another.

    • The VII UBC General Conference took place in Klaipeda on 17-19.10.2003. During the Conference meetings of particular UBC commissions were held including the meeting of the Commission on Sport managed by Gdynia. The winner of the "Equal Opportunities Prize" was announced as well. It was the city of Tallinn which won this competition and was presented with the prize of 3000 EUR for the organization of the 6th European Athletics Championship of the Deaf. In Klaipeda there was also organised an exhibition consisting of works sent to "Dreams without Limits" drawing competition. The participants of the conference were presented with calendars containing works from this competition. During the Conference the UBC Social Campaign "Without Limits", initiated by Gdynia was assessed. Within the campaign the following actions were taken:

    - Questionnaire on Situation of People with Disabilities in UBC Member Cities (June -September 2002)
    The questionnaire was circulated among the UBC member cities. It aimed at recognizing situation of the disabled and identifying the most urgent problems people with disabilities encounter in everyday life. It was also meant to show what obstacles cities had when solving those problems. The percentage of the disabled in the cities that answered the questionnaire varied from 1 % to 16 % of city inhabitants. The results of the research showed that the most difficult problem for the cities is breaking up psychological barriers, lack of social acceptance and the question of professional activating of the disabled to make them live more independently. People with disabilities still struggle with problems connected with architectural barriers, unequal education opportunities and lack of rehabilitation equipment.
    - UBC Conference "Without Limits"
    The conference which took place in Gdynia between 27th and 28th September 2002 inaugurated the UBC Social Campaign in aid of people with disabilities. In the light of the questionnaire on the disabled, previously carried out among UBC member cities and for the needs of self-governments, Swedish experience of disability policy planning at local level was presented during the conference. These undertakings are known as Agenda 22. The EU's official view on the disabled was also presented together with projects realized by non-governmental institutions that is Polish Friends of Integration Association and the Polish Association for People with Mental Handicap, section in Gdynia. Among the projects that were met with great interest there were also presentations on psychological issues: Lampshade and Harmony, the author of which is Jolanta Szulkowska from Gdynia. The ways of going out of disability was the subject of these presentations. Kaido Kikkas from Estonia, on the other hand, discussed the place of people with disabilities in the information society. Gdynia was the first Polish municipality to adopt Agenda 22 - Disability Policy Planning Instructions for Local Authorities written by the Swedish Federation of the Disabled on the basis of 22 Standard Rules of UN General Assembly. Agenda 22 is a guide for self-governments how to plan a local policy on the disabled. About 100 people participated in the conference; among others there were representatives of twin cities, UBC member cities and Polish institutions as well as organizations involved in problems of people with disabilities.
    - Baltic Cities Bulletin "Cities Without Limits"
    In co-operation with UBC Secretariat, the whole issue of the first Bulletin in 2003 was dedicated to experiences of the Baltic cities with respect to the disability policies and the situation of the disabled in these cities. It presented specific projects and solutions implemented in different UBC member cities. 25 cities shared their experiences connected with removing architectural barriers and providing the disabled with assistance in gaining access to education, culture and work.
    - National Conference "Open Cities - Local Governmental Actions in Relation to the Disabled"
    On 26th May 2003, Gdynia City Hall together with the Polish Rehabilitation Fund for the Disabled organized a nationwide conference entitled "Open Cities - Local Governmental Actions in Relation to the Disabled". The Conference in Gdynia gathered 80 participants from many Polish cities representing local authorities and the representatives of NGOs. During the conference the problem of accessibility of the cities as well as the actions of local governments in connection with people with disabilities were discussed together with the possibility of cooperation between local authorities and the Polish Rehabilitation Fund for the Disabled. In the course of the conference the Agenda 22 was also presented and handed over to the representatives of particular cities.
    - UBC International Art Competition "Dreams Without Limits"
    Gdynia organised International Art Competition "Dreams Without Limits". Its objective was to raise people's consciousness of disabled children's and young people's rights to equality in education as well as to support their integration in the society and to promote the development of the disabled through art. The art competition was addressed to disabled children and youth at the age of 10-16 coming from the 102 UBC member cities from the following countries: Denmark, Estonia. Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Norway, Poland, Russia and Sweden. The competition was organized in the local and international stage and was coordinated by the Commission on Sport Secretariat located in Gdynia. The final of the competition took place on 2nd July 2003 in Gdynia City Hall. 34 jury members, among them the representatives of the diplomatic corps, Polish Rehabilitation Fund for the Disabled , Gdynia's organisations acting for the benefit of the disabled, artists and the authorities of Gdynia as well as members of Metropolitan Council of Gdansk Bay and representatives of mass media chose 7 finalists, one from each country, and among them three winners: 1st prize: Agnese Beikule (Cesis, Latvia), 2nd prize: Victoria Chipan (Kronstadt, Russia, 3rd prize: Maria Vassina (Talinn, Estonia) .
    - Art Exhibitions
    As the result of the art competition there has been created a big collection of children's works which constitutes the material for the so-called "travelling exhibitions". The organizer's aim is to show the works in the UBC member cities. The following schedule for the exhibition entitled "Dreams without limits" was issued:

    - Gdynia (Poland) - September/October 2003 - "Ratusz" Gallery, Gdynia City Hall
    - Klaipeda (Lithuania) - October 2003, Drama Theatre, during the VII UBC General Conference in Klaipeda
    - Gdynia (Poland), December 2003, Gallery in the "Nadmorski" Hotel
    - Szczecin (Poland) - March 2004 - Mayor's Gallery, Main Town Hall
    - Rostock (Germany) - December 2004
    - Tallinn (Estonia) - March/April 2005, Tallinn City Hall
    - Vilnius (Lithuania) - May/June 2005, Vilnius Gallery For Children And Youth
    - UBC Calendar
    On the basis of the gathered material, the Commission on Sport published a 2004 and 2005 calendar containing works sent for "Dreams Without Limits" competition in 2003. The distribution of the 2004 calendar among member cities took place during the VII UBC General Conference in Klaipeda. The calendars were also sent to the major European institutions UBC cooperates with.
    - Virtual Gallery

    All works sent for "Dreams Without Limits" competition can be seen in the Virtual Gallery created on UBC website:

    • Within the cooperation with UBC Commission on Environment, Gdynia participated in the Best Environmental Practice in the Baltic Cities Award, a competition announced by this Commission in May 2003. Applications from 9 cities of 5 countries were sent to the competition organisers. The following cities participated in the contest: Aalborg (Denmark), Cesis (Latvia), Gdynia (Poland), Jurmala (Latvia), Kaliningrad (Russia), Panevezys (Lithuania), Kaunas (Lithuania), Sopot (Poland) and Vilnius (Lithuania). The main objective of the competition was to encourage UBC member cities to develop administration and services in an innovative way for the good of the municipality and its citizens. When evaluating particular applications, the organisers took into account the innovative quality of the project, its relevancy and influence on environmental problems as well as its quality and the effectiveness of implemented solutions. It was the city of Cesis in Latvia that was awarded the first prize for its project entitled "Environmental Development Board". The award was presented to the winner during UBC General Conference in Klaipeda. Gdynia was distinguished for its project - "Gdynia - an environmentally friendly city". The project of Gdynia presented a series of different undertakings aiming at raising awareness of the inhabitants in respect of natural environment and sustainable development. These undertakings encompassed among others thematic competitions for example for the most interesting ecological website, informational actions promoting more environmentally friendly lifestyle as well as open-air educational projects. The decision to distinguish Gdynia was justified by the fact that in its undertakings the city used the latest technologies and innovational methods, the aim of which was to activate social groups not dealing with environmental issues on everyday basis. The cities of Sopot and Kaliningrad were also distinguished.
    • Gdynia participates in the works of the UBC Urban Planning Commission. The city was one of the partners in an international project entitled "ABC - Alliance of Baltic Cities". The project began in March 2003 and lasted three years. The project objective was to use of as well as develop local experiences and "know-how" in respect of planning, shaping and modifying of urban structures to make a better use of cities' development capabilities. Additionally, the project assumed the organisation of seminars (twice a year). Gdynia played host to such a seminar in 2005.
    • In June 2004 representatives of Gdynia participated in the Commission on Transportation seminar entitled "European Transport Projects", which was held in Kaunas (Lithuania). During the meeting a Gdynia delegate delivered a speech on Gdynia experiences regarding the CIVITAS initiative. Moreover, Gdynia delegates attended UBC Commission on Transportation Annual Meeting. Gdynia representatives also participated in a seminar on bicycle communication organised by the UBC Commission on Transportation in September 2004 in Örebro.
    • Between 19th and 20th October 2006 the Executive Board of the Union of the Baltic Cities (UBC) had its session in Gdynia. The Executive Board is the body holding supreme power in the time between the sessions of the General Conference. The Board consists of one member city representing each country, the President and three Vice-Presidents. 52 representatives of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Sweden came to Gdynia for the 47th Executive Board Meeting. The meeting consisted of two sessions. On Thursday, 19th October 2006 the closed session was organised which was attended only by the Executive Board members, whereas on Friday, 20th October the open session was held. The leaders and representatives of UBC Commissions as well as the delegates of UBC member cities took part in it. During the closed session, the UBC Executive Board admitted two new cities as members of the organisation, that is Robertsfors from Sweden and Jyväskylä from Finland. In the course of the meeting the proposal to establish a new Commission, this time on Energy, was accepted. This Commission will deal with promoting energy best practices, renewable energy issue, the possibilities of reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the transport sector, energy efficiency and safety as well as information and education. Among the subjects discussed there were such issues as the next year's General Conference in the Estonian city of Pärnu, future development of the Union of the Baltic Cities as well as opening of the UBC office in Brussels, the task of which is to lobby for the benefit of the organisation and member cities among European institutions. During the open session there were presented among others the reports of UBC Commissions concerning their activities between October 2005 and September 2006.

    • ikonaOpublikowano: 26.10.2006 00:00
    • ikona

      Autor: Małgorzata Aleksiak ()
