

Gdynia Business Week Alumni Association was established in 2011 on the initiative of the program participants. The Association aims at popularisation of knowledge about entrepreneurship and promotion of activities in that field among young people. Taking part in various workshops, trainings and work over interesting projects, students have an opportunity not only to make use of the knowledge acquired during the program but also to gain the valuable experience. Owing to the wide range of business contacts, members of the Association have a chance to undergo internships organised in Poland and abroad. Year by year, the Association widens the scope of its activity with new projects. It currently covers, among others, “Play with Business” series of conferences, “Master of Presentation” contest, weekly meetings held in Polish and English, recruitment and training of volunteers engaged in the subsequent editions of Business Week in Poland, as well as promotion of the program among young people.

  • ikonaOpublikowano: 23.11.2012 09:01
  • ikona

    Autor: Administrator
