Modernism in Europe – Modernism in Gdynia

5th international conference “Modernism in Europe – Modernism in Gdynia”


The 5th international conference “Modernism in Europe – Modernism in Gdynia”, organized by the City of Gdynia, will be held on October 20-22, 2016. The title of this year’s conference is “20th century architecture – preservation – conservation”.


The conference will constitute an opportunity to review the current state of research on modernist architecture developed in 20th century as well as to discuss issues connected with preservation and conservation of the modernist architecture, including that of the inter-war period.



15 September 2016Deadline for full paper submission 
31 September 2016End of registration (without abstracts) 
20-22 October 2016Conference 

Conference program:

20th October 2016 || Trends and patterns in modernist architecture 

  • Prof. Maria Jolanta Sołtysik, Dr. Hab. Eng. Arch. Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk/Gdynia 
    The origins and spatial development of Gdynia’s modernist centre until 1939 
  • Prof. Adalberto del Bo, Politecnico de Milano, Milan, Italy 
    Architectural and Urban Modernism in Italy 
  • Vladimir Shukhov, Eng., DOCOMOMO Russia, Moscow, Russia
    Philosophy of the 1920s - early 1930s Soviet architecture 
  • Dr Jacek Czubiński, Eng. Arch., Krakow University of Technology, Krakow
    Modernism in the interwar architecture of health resort towns in the Prut river valley in the Hutsul region 
  • MofA Ievgeniia Gubkina, Centre for Urban History of East Central Europe, Lviv, Ukraine
    The socialist city “New Kharkiv” as a reflection of urban planning ideas of interwar modernism 
  • Dr Grzegorz Rytel, Eng. Arch., Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw
    The development of Warsaw’s Frascati area and Wiejska street in the context of the city’s regulatory policy in the 1930s
  • Karolina Chomiczewska, M.Sc., Office of the Municipal Conservation Officer, Rzeszów
    Rzeszow’s pre-war modernism as an example of how avant-garde architecture was perceived and implemented in the provinces 
  • Dr Renāte Čaupale, Arch. M.A. of Art, Technical Academy in Rezekne, Latvia
    Kārlis Reisons and church architecture of the 1930s 

15.00 – 16.00 BREAK


  • Dr Aleksandra Sumorok, Strzemiński Academy of Art, Łódź
    Polish interiors of the period 1949-1956. Socialist realism and modernisations 
  • Dr Piotr Marciniak, Hab. Eng. Arch., professor (professor extraordinarius), Poznan University of Technology, Poznan
    Not only men were modernists. Women’s architecture during Poland’s time as the Polish People’s Republic 
  • Agnieszka Drączkowska, M.Sc., University of Gdansk, Gdansk/Gdynia
    The architecture of social housing built by Towarzystwo Budowy Osiedli S.A. in the face of interwar Gdynia’s housing crisis 
  • Dr Anna Orchowska-Smolińska, Eng. Arch., Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk/Gdynia
    Gdynia’s port cold stores – a case study of modernist industrial architecture 

21st October 2016 || Preservation and conservation of modernist architecture – the present situation and outlooks for the future 

  • Prof. Ana Tostoes, DOCOMOMO International, Lisbon, Portugal
    Modernity, between domesticity and monumentality 
  • Prof. Vladimír Šlapeta, Eng. Arch. Dr Sc., Brno University of Technology, Czechia
    Heritage of Czech Functionalism 
  • Dr Błażej Ciarkowski, Eng. Arch. University of Lodz, Lodz 
    Ideology vs. conservation – troublesome heritage of Italian totalitarianism 
  • Elżbieta Jagielska, M. Sc., National Heritage Board of Poland, Warsaw
    Assessment of historic values of contemporary architecture – research methodology
  • Dr Iwona Liżewska, National Heritage Board of Poland, Olsztyn
    Bet Tahara/ Mendelsohn’s house in Olsztyn – Erich Mendelsohn’s first architectural work
  • Dr Edward Denison, The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, London, United Kingdom 
    Decentering Modernism and World Heritage – A Case Study of Asmara’s UNESCO Bid / 
  • Dr Joanna Olenderek, Hab. Eng. Arch., professor (professor extraordinarius), Lodz University of Technology, Lodz
    Preserving Lodz’s modernist department stores in the face of shopping centre invasion 
  • Dr Maciej Czarnecki, Eng. Arch., Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw 
    The heritage of contemporary architecture. The problems, scope and criteria of post-war buildings preservation 
  • Dr Edita Riaubienė, Dr. Liutauras Nekrošius, Gedmininas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania
    Educational architecture as modernist art collection. Lithuania Case
  • Dominik Mączyński, Eng. Arch., National Heritage Board of Poland, Warsaw
    Modernist development of Warsaw’s Saska Kępa – conservation issues 

15.00 – 16.00 BREAK


  • Dr Jeremie Hoffmann, Tel Aviv-Jaffa’s Municipal Conservation Department, Tel Aviv City Hall, Israel
    Tel Aviv - Gdynia: comparative study 
  • Dr Robert Hirsch, Eng. Arch., Gdansk University of Technology, Municipal Conservation Officer in Gdynia, Gdansk/Gdynia
    The FE BGK residential building in 3 Maja street in Gdynia – flagship example of Gdynia’s modernism and its restoration 
  • Dr Małgorzata Włodarczyk, Eng. Arch., Włodarczyk + Włodarczyk Architekci, Krakow
    Modernist and post-modernist church architecture during Poland’s time as the Polish People’s Republic. Preservation and conservation. The example of Krakow 
  • Dr Vaidas Petrulis, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
    Modern Movement as a spirit of the place: case of Kaunas (Lithuania) 
22nd October 2016 || Presentation of selected examples of modernist architecture and the effects of conservation efforts 

Scientific commitee:
Prof. Andrzej K. Olszewski, Ph.D., Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland
Prof. Jacek Purchla, Ph.D., Director of International Cultural Center, Poland
Prof. Antoni Taraszkiewicz, Ph.D., Eng., Arch., Gdańsk University of Technology, Dean of the Faculty
of Architecture,  Poland
Prof. Maria Jolanta Sołtysik, Ph.D., Eng., Arch., Gdańsk University of Technology,  Poland
Prof. Adalberto del Bo, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Małgorzata Rozbicka, Univ.-Prof., Ph.D., Eng., Arch., Warsaw University of Technology, Director of Heritage Board of Poland
Bogusław Szmygin, Univ.-Prof., Ph.D., Eng., Lublin University of Technology, Chairman of Polish National Committee ICOMOS
Jeremie Hoffmann Ph.D., Director, Conservation Department, Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality, Israel
Marek Stępa, Ph.D., Eng. Arch., Deputy Mayor of Gdynia
Robert Hirsch, Ph.D., Eng. Arch., Gdańsk University of Technology, Head of Municipal Office of Monuments Protection in Gdynia,

Plan of conference:
Day 1 Thursday, 20th October 2016 afternoon session: opening of the conference and speeches 
Day 2Friday, 21st October 2016morning and afternoon sessions:  speeches and debate
Day 3 Saturday, 22nd October 2016morning session: speeches and presentation of selected examples of modernist architecture in Gdynia

General principles of participation:

Participation in the conference is free of charge. The organizers do not cover travel expenses nor the costs of stay.


Information for participants:

To register for the conference please fill in the registration form available on the organizers’ website. Please note that due to the limited number of places available, your registration is subject to confirmation by the organizers.

Download registration form


Pomeranian Science and Technology Park Conference Centre
Address: Aleja Zwycięstwa 96/98, 81-451 Gdynia

Public transportation to the Venue:
Bus stop: Centrum Nauki Experyment 
From the city centre to Kacze Buki: R, S, Z, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 152, 172, 180, 192, 272.
From Kacze Buki to the city centre: R, S, Z, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 102, 105, 125, 152, 172, 710, 740, 750, 759, 760, 770.
SKM (Fast Urban Railway) station: Gdynia Redłowo

General principles for participation:

Participation in the conference is free of charge. The organizers do not cover travel expenses and costs of stay except for invited guests.
Note: due to other cultural and scientific events which will be held in Gdynia at the same time it is highly recommended to book accommodation ahead of time.

Information for speakers:
Participants interested in presenting a paper related to the thematic scope of the conference and not yet published should send their abstracts (ca. 3,000 characters) in English together with the registration form. In addition please enclose your biographical note as well as a list of important or professional achievements. Notification on the acceptance of papers will be sent to participants according to the schedule.

Information for other participants:
To register for the conference please complete the registration form available on the organizer’s website. Due to limited number of places available, it is necessary to receive a confirmation from the organizer after registering.

The four previous conferences in the “Modernism in Europe – Modernism in Gdynia” series were held in 2007, 2009, 2012 and 2014. They gathered professionals and enthusiasts of modern architecture from several countries from all over the world.


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